Curriculum Vitae

You can download my CV here


You can also, if you like, download my CV of failures here


Applying to Universities: As I was asked quite often in the past, here are four examples of cover letters (successfully) written by/with friends to enter in top ranked MA and MSc in Development Studies, Business Economics and Management, Engineering and Enviromental Economics. Good luck!

Finding a job in development: As I was on the look out on the job market, I slowly and steadily created a list of all the research centers, university departments, think tanks and consultancy firms that work in development. It is here. In addition, in case you need to practice, as I have been through the interview process of the most mainstream young programmes in development, such as the ODI fellowship, Center for Global Development, Global Development Network and UN (+ others), here are the exact 1-1/scenario/group-setting questions I was asked throughout the interview process. Finally, if you need a sample cover letter to tailor for an application for a job in the research/project management world, this is a sample document I used for most of my applications. Good luck!

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